My Core Skills
Everyone has different motivations and areas of expertise. And you need to be sure I’m the right person for you.
I love brand development (see how I developed my own).
I love the thrill of starting up a business (see how I developed my own).
I’m also a real fan of franchising (see how I can help you with yours).
Personally, I see it as a way of creating an ever-extending business family,
whilst keeping a tight grip on quality control.
So, these are areas in which I particularly love working and where I have plenty
of experience.
But I’m also thrilled to work on anything that involves words. And ideas.
And messages.
All of which express the personality and worth of a brand; building it up from the inside out. And which in turn will reward you for all your hard work, by getting everyone else to appreciate what it is you do – and why you feel so passionate about it.
How I Deliver
I believe in total honesty. If I don’t know how to do something, I’ll say so.
But in the meantime I’ll make sure I find out how to do it – or find someone more knowledgeable than me who I can introduce you to.
I don’t believe in charging by the hour. Nor am I motivated purely by a desire to make money. I work because I love what I do. And I’m good at it.
In most instances I’ll have a pretty good idea how long something will take.
We’ll talk about various permutations. I’ll give you a quote and, unless something
extra-ordinary happens, I’ll stick to it.
Once we’re up and running, I’ll also give you things like my Terms of Business and a Content Plan, so that we all know exactly where we stand when we start working together. After that I’ll ask you to fill in a copywriting brief and hopefully I’ll come and see you. Because you always learn so much more about someone face to face. And it’s the best way of hearing the tenor of your corporate voice.
I love working with all types of companies – big or small. If you’re a business
start-up, that’s something I find particularly exciting and I’ll do my best to help you. Although, do be aware that success requires proper investment (on both sides), right from the start.
Why Don’t You?
Start thinking about the possibility of franchising your business. It’s a great thing to do.
Or, if you dream about starting your own business – but haven’t quite got there yet – consider this. Many people running successful businesses are doing so purely because they dared to have a go.
And they employed a great copywriter.